Senior High School Journey: A Job Well Done

I am proudly writing this blog to share the experiences about my Senior High School Journey with the one who is reading this. I know, having the courage to be able to share a huge part of your life may seem to be difficult for some of us. But today, I wanted to grab this chance to reflect and reminisce with you about the journey that I had and what it helps me to become who I am now. I hope that you can also learn and relate from me. Happy reading!

The first thing that I thought the day before going to school as a senior high school student is ‘Can I survive being a senior student at a new school?’. For someone who doesn’t really move to a new school often, I was having a lot of anxiety about it. As we all know, its really hard to adjust at a new school and environment. That adds up to why I feel so much anxiety at the very first day. However, I was able to get through it and now I’ve met a lot of people who become very dear to me. I can say that the experience of Grade 11 really taught me a lot not just academically, but also friendships. Grade 11 was the time where I enjoy having face-to-face classes rather than facing a laptop every single day. I wish I could cherish it more now that we are facing a pandemic, I can say that I actually regret that I didn’t had the chance to properly say goodbye to my classmates back then. They also become a huge part of my senior high school life. There might be regrets, but I’m glad I was able to survive Grade 11 and learned a lot in the different subjects and also the life lessons and realizations that helped me up until this day.

Now, I’ve come so far by being a graduating student. This school year is a drastic change for all of us especially the students like me. I think all of us would agree that it was difficult right from the start. It was physically and mentally draining for me; the amount of stress and academic pressure are really different compared when I was Grade 11. Nonetheless, I am near the finish line, I’ve encountered obstacles along the way like deadlines, quizzes, activities, group projects, thesis, defense, incompetent groupmates, strict teachers, internet connection, and many other hindrances that I thought I wouldn’t be able to accomplish. I can do this, I thought. Then: and even if can’t, I have to. Because I have no choice, I want to be able to graduate for me to achieve my dreams and repay my parents for their sacrifices for me. Senior High School for me was an amazing journey. I am thankful for the teachers who taught me everything that I need to know, new found friendships that supports me along the way, my parents who are my inspiration, myself for not giving up, and most importantly God who strengthens me.

Question of the day:

As you are about to enter college and soon will become working adults, what change would you like to see in your community or country?

College for sure will be a different life and a long journey. I know it will be tiring, draining, with a lot of sleepless nights, lot of deadlines to meet, and a whole lot of schoolwork to accomplish. However, I promised to myself to hold on and do my best to get to the finish line.

The course that I will choose is Business Management. In the future, I want to have my own clothing line in the fashion industry. I want to have my own business introducing innovative and fresh ideas about clothes that will make people to be confident about their fashion sense and to find their own style. Through my business, I want to be able to contribute to the fashion industry in out country. I know its not an easy journey, I still have a lot of things to learn about and experiences that can help me achieve this dream and by that I know that I need to take college seriously and to set my goals right. If the day comes where I finally achieve my dream, I will come back to this blog and thank myself for not giving up.

To finally end this blog, I want to tell you that right now you might be in a situation that you think you won’t survive but six months ago you were in a situation that you didn’t think you’d survive and two years before that you were in a situation you didn’t think you’d survive and the point is you will always surprise yourself and you will always make it through. You’re doing better than you think you are. Keep going. You got this. Don’t stress. Everything will work out.

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