You are enough just who you are.

Note: While you’re reading my blog, I highly recommend if you also listen and become one with the music. Thank you and enjoy reading!

Get to know Ben&Ben

The OPM song that I’d like to share with you today is “Di Ka Sayang” by none other than Ben&Ben. For starters, I would like to introduce Ben&Ben in case you are curious who these amazing people are. Ben&Ben, formerly known as The Benjamins, is a 9-piece band from Manila, Philippines, consisting of the twin brothers Paolo Benjamin and Miguel Benjamin on acoustic guitars and vocals, Poch Barreto on electric guitar, Jam Villanueva on drums, Agnes Reoma on bass, Patricia Lasaten on keyboards, Toni Muñoz and Andrew de Pano on percussions, and Keifer Cabugao on violin. Formed in 2015, the band has since been known for their popular hits such as “Ride Home”, “Leaves”, “Maybe the Night”, “Pagtingin”, “Lifetime”, “Doors”, and the critically acclaimed “Kathang Isip”. Their songs paint an indelible portrait of a generation that knows their worth despite the brokenness inside, creating a connection between the personal and the universal.

Introduction to “Di Ka Sayang”

The song “Di Ka Sayang” was released on Friday, November 6th last year. The track, inspiring confidence and fearlessness, amidst adversity was written by Paolo and Miguel Benjamin. It was inspired by the twin band members’ conversation during one of their out of town shows last year. They were having a conversation on their career choices and how hard it was to fight for who they really are and what they want to do in life, amidst societal and family expectations in 2019. A year later, they decided to release the song, because they thought that it was the perfect time with everything that we are experiencing because of the pandemic. They wanted people to listen to their voices and be comforted through their music.

My thoughts and realizations

I’d like to share my thoughts by some of the lyrics of the song that made me reflect about my self-worth and acceptance.

The song started with;

“Kahit ‘di mo sinasabi ramdam ko ang pagkukunwari. Akala’y masaya, ba’t parang may lungkot sa tawa?”

At the very beginning of the song, hearing this lyric made me feel something deep inside my heart. In our lives, I think that we all have moments like this, moments when we put on a smile on our faces even though we feel miserable inside. When we are pretending that we’re strong but we’re weak, pretending that we’re okay but is breaking inside.

“’Di ka sayang, ‘di kailangang manghinayang, ‘Di ka sayang, ‘di kailangang patunayan. Sarili ay mahalaga kahit pa ano’ng tingin nila.”

However, the chorus of the song wanted to remind us that we have what it takes, we are strong enough, brave enough, capable enough, and most importantly worthy enough just by ourselves. It’s time to stop thinking about other people’s validation about you and start believing in yourself because no one else know your self-worth more than you. No one else sees the world exactly like you do. This is who you already are. YOU ARE ENOUGH.

“Kahit talikuran ka nila, tanggap kita. Bitawan na ang ‘yong pangangamba. ‘Di pa huli para humilom, Ang mga sugat ng iyong nakaraan. ‘Di kita iiwan”

One of my favorite lines all throughout the song is this line. I feel comforted every time I hear this, there’s something about this that made me feel like it’s never too late, there’s still hope that will appear somewhere anytime in our lives that can make us feel accepted. This also reminds me of the people in my life that no matter what happens, I will always feel like home when I’m with them. And I think that when we meet or have someone telling us that they will never leave our side and prove it, we should cherish them and do the same.

The song ended with;

“Tanggap kita”

It is such a beautiful and powerful line. Having someone that accept us despite of our shortcomings is one of the most genuine action a person can do to you. It means loving us for who we really our inside and out. This song taught me that your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love and accept you and I think that’s beautiful. The song started with pretending on how we truly feel and the song ended with despite of all that, at the end of the day you are enough, you are your own person, and do everything you can to know your worth.

The reason why I chose this song is obvious. I wanted you, the one who is reading this to value yourself and give credit to yourself more often. When everything else in the world fails you, you will always have your self-respect to fall back on. So, in case no body told you today: you will always be enough.

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